Upcoming Schedule

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A Four-Session Live Online Workshop
4 Monday evenings from
6:00-7:30 pm
July 6 - July 27, 2020

There is no greater joy than to use our voices in a way that is powerful, spontaneous and fully expressive. Developing a physical understanding of voice and breath support helps us release inhibiting vocal tensions and fatigue and become more engaging speakers, more truthful actors and more musical singers.

The term “vocal support” seems quite mysterious to most people, and misconceptions about breathing and the use of the diaphragm abound. True vocal support begins by bringing to awareness the integration of the postural support muscles and their influence on the diaphragm. In our work together, we will explore how to bring about this coordination to build strength in our diaphragms. A strong diaphragm is necessary to cleanse the lungs (especially helpful now!), energize our bodies, and free and strengthen our voices.

Our work will integrate the Alexander Technique, breathing coordination and text.  In addition, Jean will be giving each participant a private half-hour lesson.  Each class will be recorded and a link will be sent to each participant to help reinforce and review the work we do in class. For those who would like to bring this work into your singing voice, Jean will send you recordings (mp3s) of vocal exercises and songs to practice. Prior to each class a Zoom invite will be sent with the link and password for our class.  Payment will be through PayPal. If you have any questions please write to me here.

Cost: $80.00 for the four sessions 
Please register and pay here via PayPal